
Business Travel Insurance is serious business

#Travel #Business
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If you travel for business, you know the pros and cons.

The best pros? Travelling business class or first class, staying in lovely hotels, fancy dinners and maybe a chocolate on your pillow every night. Divine! Not to mention the fact that you’re not footing the bill.

It can also be exciting to take flight to somewhere exotic or to a place you’ve always desired to go, even if ‘just for business.’  

Yet we all know the far less glamorous side too. For example, only seeing the inside of airports, cabs, hotel rooms and meeting rooms. Or when you have an exhausting schedule or consume foreign foods you’re not particularly fond of.

Worst of all, you may encounter some challenging issues that may end up costing you an arm and a leg. Hopefully not in the literal sense. Like cancelled flights, missing bags, illness or even hospitalization. Will your company’s policy cover all those things? If their policy doesn’t extend to personal belongings or medical costs, your quick business trip could cost you personally, a small fortune. It’s just not worth the risk. Hospital costs in other countries can result in a shocking bill you may never recover from financially. Ensuring you have adequate insurance for your business travels is a safety net you can’t afford to overlook. And you can bet your company won’t take the effort to double-check you’re covered 100% if illness or loss befalls you. That’s why it’s your responsibility at the end of the day to be thorough and look out for yourself.The last thing anyone needs on a business trip is to incur massive expenses due to an incident, and then realize there is no adequate compensation.

Carrying your own comprehensive business travel insurance really is the smartest way to protect you from beak to tail. And at Goose, we make it so easy. By simply downloading the Goose mobile app and signing up, you can get a quote in mere seconds.

With a few easy taps, you’ll have policy “in hand”, access to 24-hour assistance, maps of hospitals and clinics in the areas you’re visiting, and 911-equivalent listings anywhere you go. You’ll even have online chat assistance, and the capability to speak with a “real live person.”

Once you enable push notifications, Goose will even ‘honk’ at you when you near a border, as a reminder to make sure you have the business travel coverage you need, before taking flight. Then you can relax and forget about the financial fallout possibilities of those nagging “what-ifs.”

Like, what if you take a fall on a city street and break a leg or ankle?

Or, what if your your personal medication has gone missing from your hotel room?

Or, what if your baggage goes missing or lost, containing all your expensive business clothing and everything else you brought along?

Even worse, what if you have a stroke, heart attack or catch an exotic virus that keeps you in hospital for weeks, maybe even months. Who will pay for all that treatment?

It’s simply not worth it to hope everything’s covered on what ever business insurance policy your company has lined up for you. You need to be sure you have exactly what you need to alleviate any financial strain and stress that comes with suddenly having to cover those unforeseeable costs yourself.

The security of knowing you’re covered with Goose for your entire business trip means there’s no need to get in a flap about your finances if something does happen. Naturally, you will have enough to worry about, should any actual event occur. Why take along the added stress of not carrying adequate coverage?

Purchase your policy before you leave the nest and take comfort knowing Goose has you under our wing every step of the way.

Download the Goose app here and start taking care of business.